Chiloe: fast facts

Chiloe is composed by a bigger island called Isla Grande de Chiloe and a series of another smaller island. The total population is of 167,659 habitants.
The island is located in the south of Chile, in the region of Los Lagos. The capital is the city of Castro

-The island used to be connected to the continent, and due to the pass of time, erosion and earthquakes was separated.

-Chiloe passed to be part of Chile (as a province) in 1826.


We arrived to the airport of Temuco then we went to Huilo Huilo in a private bus. We stayed there for two days and went to multiples trekings, national parks, a canopy, etc.
We travelled to Ensenada but we stoped in Frutillar and Puerto Varas first to visit.
In Ensenada we spended a lot of time in the cabbins, there was a temperated pool, a lake, a volleyball net and a play room. We had rain so we couldn't do many activities, so instead we went to a climbing boulder, trekings and museums. We went to beautifulles falls.

We arrived at Chiloe by ferry, we walked a lot in the beach, went to national parks and visited the local market and the town. The last day in the afternoon, a group of locals dedicated to tourissim showed us how to prepare curante, a typical meal of the island. We went to the airport and went back to Santiago.


We had a lot of fun in general, we didn't stoped laughing. But a remarkable time is when we where in the play room in Ensenada, there where people doing kareokee, others playing ping pong, card or jenga; some where just hanging out in peace and listening to music. Above all it was an atmosphere of union, friendship and companionship.

fun story

We became much closer as a group, classmates and friends. It was a really good experience because i got to know places that I wanted to know from a long time and it made it a hundred times better to be with my friends and know each other much better. I know that it wouldn't be the same experience if you went to this trip by your own or with family.
The south of Chile was, in my opinion, the perfect place to go in our study trip, the south is a magical place full of unique flora and fauna, full of beautiful trees and green areas; full of history and traditions

El Basilisco

The Legend of the Basilisk: It is a creature that has the cock-crow with a red crest and a neck as long as the body of a snake. It is born of a small greyish-white egg, it is called egg lloilloi (lloy lloy) or egg lloe and it is supposed that it was placed and incubated by an old hen or a red rooster. If the egg is not removed, in a few weeks it becomes the terrible and ruthless Basilisk. At birth, this creature is shaped like a worm and runs like a gecko. On the day, the Basilisk lives under the house of the owner of the chicken coop, and at night, sell his hiding place while family sleeps. At that moment, it emits a hypnotic song similar to that of the rooster, which causes people to stay asleep. Then enter the bedrooms and suck their breaths and fluids. With the affected person, they lose the desire to feed themselves and they are losing weight more and more. To end this creature, you have to resort to a witch, who will use the tales of resources like boiled water, burn where you are, kill the hen or rooster laying eggs lloi lloi, leave the eggs in the center a fire until it is completely consumed and set fire to the house where it attacks


viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

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